Interview With Chris Campbell, CEO at ReviewTrackers

ReviewTrackers is the rapidly-growing customer feedback platform trusted by tens of thousands of businesses. Using data, insights, and technology, they partner with brands to ensure customer success. 

Who are your ideal clients?: We are serving the needs of businesses in multiple verticals and sizes. We primarily work with large enterprise brands to help them use customer feedback as a means to innovate. Our ideal clients are those who really care about what their customers are saying and how to take action to ensure those needs are met. Our clients are able to unlock actionable customer intelligence that helps them manage their online reviews, improve their brand reputation and make data-driven decisions that can result in increased profitability.

Is this your first business?: Starting at age 18 I have been self-employed. I’ve had the opportunity to lead and manage several companies since then. It was at one of those companies that I stumbled upon the large in-the-market for something like ReviewTrackers, and today we have helped over 25 thousand businesses manage their online reviews.


What is the biggest reason for your success so far?: There is never just one reason for success it is a myriad of factors. We have worked hard at building a product that customers love. We have taken the time and effort to build a great team and honestly, we were at the right place at the right time.

What position did you hire first?: As we are true believers in hearing the voice of customers - our first hire was undoubtedly someone in customer support. We hired our Director of Customer “Happiness,” to keep up with the fast acquisitions we were experiencing. We not only wanted customers to come on board, we wanted to make sure they had an amazing experience. Currently; our Director of Customer Happiness is still with us and has led our team to win awards based on the dedication she and her team have conveyed and continue to convey each and every day.

What is working best for your marketing right now?: Creating content that provides value and attracts and engages our audience to the ReviewTrackers website.

What is your biggest differentiator?: Understanding this means understanding what our customers truly think and feel about our product that makes us special. When they talk - we listen. 

Our intuitive interface makes the software incredibly easy to use for all departments from frontline to c-suite and saves them incredible amounts of time. The ease of use, time efficiencies and real-time data we provide is some of the most loved components of our software.

The other is our award-winning Customer Happiness team. Not only does our team proactively and reactively listen and act to assist our clients - they are doing numerous other tasks like creating custom reports and providing clients with trending best practices.

What is the toughest decision you've had to make in the last few months?: Our roots started with small businesses, but that has been evolving over years. Our growth influenced the decision to focus on solving the problems of enterprise businesses. This was a difficult one for our team as it switched focus and direction to provide solutions to a different audience.

If it was possible, what advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?: Focus, read more and travel the world.

How did you meet your co-founders or business partners?: I founded the company by myself in 2012, and in 2013 I came to one of my long time friends (Kevin Kent), who completely aligned with the mission and vision I had for ReviewTrackers. After that conversation, I asked him to come on board as my business partner.

Has content marketing been successful for your business?: Absolutely. Before we launched our product we began blogging to improve the visibility of our website while ramping up PR efforts to get the word out about ReviewTrackers. From there we were successful in attracting qualified traffic to our website and converting inbound leads the moment the product launched. Four years later, our strategy has evolved but content marketing is a key component of our broader marketing mission.

What book are you most likely to give as a gift?: The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers, By Ben Horowitz.

Favorite place to travel to?: Lisbon, Portugal

What is the best small business in your neighborhood?: Gibson’s (the BEST steakhouse in town, in my opinion)

What is your favorite app or online tool?: Pokemon Go. But seriously, Waze for real-time traffic and Via for ride-sharing.

What inbound marketing strategy has provided the best ROI?: We are very thoughtful about the content that we produce and distribute; we want to make sure that it not only attracts the right audience to our website but also engages them once they visit. Our strategy is simple: educate our visitors so that we can provide value that will convert them into leads and eventually customers. It's not an accident that our inbound leads are some of our highest converting leads month after month. The marketing team not only writes content daily that wow's and educates our audience, but also optimizes and distributes it to increase its chances of being found online. Because this has proven to provide a consistently strong ROI, we are investing in marketing automation and other tools to expand on our top-of-funnel efforts and nurture our leads with personalized, educational content throughout their journey. We are confident this will shorten the buying cycle and increase conversion rates overall.

Girl Scouts

How did you finance your business?: We are backed by a great team of venture capitalists and banking partner.

What business would you love for someone else to start?: Subscription service of girl scout cookies, thin mints EVERY month - think about it.

What advice do you have for new founders?: Listen to your customers, hire amazing people and take purposeful steps to becoming a great leader.

Twitter: @ReviewTrackers


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